God promises to bless you


“I had a dream that somebody disappeared her,” I said to my husband Kenya this morning, retelling my dream from the night prior.

“Disappeared her?” he said questioningly, chuckling.

“Yeah, she was there, and then she was gone,” I clarified. Then, I asked, “Why are you laughing?”

“You said ‘disappeared her,’” he explained, still giggling.

“What? Why are you laughing? That’s not how you say it?” I asked, confused.

That’s when Kenya realized I was having one of my moments when words and phrases get jumbled in my brain. So he stopped laughing and explained to me that saying, “She vanished,” or “Someone made her disappear,” would be appropriate – not “disappeared her.”

“Oh!” I said, enlightened. And then I started laughing.

Sometimes, I find it funny when my brain does that thing it does every now and then and forgets how to properly phrase something or convey meaning. Back in August 2019, when I first came home from the hospital after my mini stroke, seizures and brain trauma, it wasn’t quite as funny. I guess that’s because it happened a lot more frequently than it does now, and I wasn’t used to that. Last year, I struggled a lot more with remembering the pronunciations of certain vocabulary words and their meanings. I’d also have plenty of instances when sentences simply wouldn’t come out right.

These days, my stumbles are fewer and farther between, and I feel grateful for the progress I’m making, even though my mastery of language isn’t on the level it once was. No matter what, I believe that God will restore and bless me indeed, just as He has been doing along the journey so far.

Maybe you’re waiting for restoration or breakthrough in a certain area. Exercising your faith is critical to keeping discouragement away. Otherwise, you’ll feel like the Jews did in the book of Haggai. They had been exiled by the Babylonians who destroyed their hometown Jerusalem and the temple. When King Darius ended the Babylonian empire and let the Jews go back to their homeland and rebuild, the process was slow, difficult and frustrating.

At a low point in their history, God sent an encouraging word through Haggai the Prophet in Haggai 2:19. The Lord said, “I am giving you a promise now while the seed is still in the barn. You have not yet harvested your grain, and your grapevines, fig trees, pomegranates, and olive trees have not yet produced their crops. But from this day onward I will bless you.”

You don’t see it yet, but God has decreed a blessing over you. And it must manifest!
— Dianna Hobbs

God told them, you don’t see anything yet. There is no harvest right now. It doesn’t appear that things are moving in your favor. Restoration still feels far off. But you have a promise from Me, which is, “From this day onward, I will bless you.”

That’s your word today! God promises to bless you too, and He will do it. You might not see much happening yet, and you’re still waiting for breakthrough, restoration, and increase. As you wait, cling to the word of the Lord. Hold fast to His promises. He cannot lie. Things might be slow going, but what He said will come to pass.

To remind you of this truth, I’m stirring 1 Corinthians 1:9 NIV into your cup of inspiration, which says, “God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.”

As you drink down the contents of your cup, rejoice in the faithfulness of God, and expect Him to do everything He said He would. His promises are true. His word is reliable. And He never, ever lies (Numbers 23:19). Therefore, it’s only a matter of time before you see the manifestation of what you’re believing God to do, according to His promises.

Now let’s pray.


God, thank You for always be faithful. As I wait for You to manifest Your promises, I will hold fast to Your word, for I know that whatever You said You would do, You will do it. Right now, I praise You for restoration, victory, and breakthrough. It is already mine. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.

As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!



You can't see it, but God is working!


Let God open your mind