Remember: All is not lost


This week, one of my sisters sent me several photographs out of the blue, and it felt extra special. All of my family members know that last year after suddenly and unexpectedly losing a lot of my memory, it was pretty hard on me. Some of the most precious moments of my life were instantly wiped from my brain.

That’s why whenever they think of me and send old photographs, it feels extra special. I don’t always recognize the people I see in the images they send, but at least I get to go back in time and try to reclaim some of what was mentally stolen from me.

As I looked through the photos earlier this week, there was one undated image of me as a toddler on my birthday. I must have been about two or three years old. My mother was standing over me smiling adoringly and helping me cut my cake. I cried when I saw that picture. In it, my older sister was holding her favorite doll. I could only see the doll’s hair, but I recognized the doll. It sparked my memory, and that made me incredibly happy!

Happy Birthday Dianna! Mom is helping me cut cake as my sister watches.

Happy Birthday Dianna! Mom is helping me cut cake as my sister watches.

I wish I could remember more things. And honestly, feelings of sadness wash over me when I can’t. But I try not to dwell too much on what I’ve lost, because I can’t control that, and it just brings me down. Instead, I do my best to focus on the gratitude I have for what I’ve got left.

The memories. The abilities. The support system. God’s presence. All is not lost. God has been good to me, and I often think about the fact that He didn’t have to allow me to retain any memories or skills or anything at all.

So then, despite losing a big chunk of myself and even having to figure out who I am all over again, there is something that I appreciate most of all and that is remembering God’s word. To be clear, I don’t recall nearly as much as I used to know, but I am slowly rebuilding by God’s grace. I love how the Holy Spirit has gently guided me and brought beautiful Bible verses and stories back to my remembrance to help me along the way. I see day by day, it’s still there. It’s still in me.

I was reading Psalm 119:11 the other day, and the first portion of that verse says, “Your word have I hid in my heart…” That word hid is the Hebrew word tsaphan (pronounced tsaw-fan') which means to hide or protect by covering over; to hoard, reserve or store up; to treasure.

Reading that causes me to imagine an invaluable hidden treasure being buried deep, so no one can take it away. Before I had a ministroke and multiple seizures resulting in brain trauma during my unexpected stay in the ICU last year, I couldn’t fully appreciate this verse. Now, it means so much more to me.

I realize that God’s word, that invaluable treasure, is buried deep in the soil of my heart. It is hidden from that old thief Satan who desires to take it away so that I will be weakened in my faith. No matter what I’ve lost, God has been showing me day by day, again, the treasure is still there. It’s buried so deep that I can’t lose it.  

And no matter what else I lose, His word, which is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Psalm 119:105), will guide me, sustain me, perfect me, and make me whoever God has called me to be. Jesus Christ, the Living Word, is in me and with me, and nothing can ever pluck me out of His hand (John 10:28-30).

My friend, the same is true for you. Whatever you may lose along the way, the most valuable treasure, Jesus Christ, who was made flesh then died and rose for our sins, will never leave nor forsake you.

As we head into a new year, remember, He is with you always. He will lead you always. He will take care of you always. He will provide for you always. He will restore you always. He will cause bad things to work out for your good always. He will perform His word always. He will remain faithful and true always.

Always and forever.

Now, let’s pray.


God, You have kept me throughout the year and taken care of me through the highs and lows, ups and downs, as You always do. Thank You for reminding me that You are with me through whatever. And no matter what I may lose, You, the greatest treasure of all, are ever-present. Your word is everlasting, and You are ever faithful to keep Your promises. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.

As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!



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