There's a blessing on the other side of this

Growing up, I witnessed my father doing good deeds, helping those in need, and giving dignity to the mistreated and overlooked. I didn’t know it at the time, but it was rubbing off on me.

It wasn’t until I got a little older, however, that the philanthropist in me woke up fully.

Before God led me to launch my own nonprofit, Empowering Everyday Women, I enjoyed success in private sector business. The Lord graced me to build a team and help churches, Christian leaders, and nonprofits reach others with impactful products and services. I’ve signed big contracts with global firms and developed relationships with influential corporate leaders. I have traveled extensively, advised prominent figures, and worked behind the scenes to create, launch, and promote best-selling books, successful products, and mega events.

Looking back, all God has blessed me to do up to this point was never about me and my personal success. It has always been much bigger than that. Early on, my journey resembled a paid internship. Though I was gaining influence and enjoying big returns, God was using the experience to give me something more valuable than money. He was teaching me how to make an impact on a global scale for the benefit of His Kingdom.

Decades of simply following the leading of the Holy Spirit, even when I didn’t know where He was taking me, has led me to a place where I am walking in the fulness of my divine purpose. It all makes sense now.

In Genesis 1:21, when God told Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you,” he, too, had to trust God’s leading. He didn’t have the luxury of knowing all the details of the future, but he still stepped out in faith. Because of that, God blessed him and made him a blessing.

And friend, that’s what God wants to do through you. If you will trust Him and let Him order your steps, despite not knowing exactly what He’s up to, I promise that there is a blessing on the other side of this.

God is going to bless you and make you a blessing. Just keep walking by faith to the place He will show you. Though I don’t know where you’ll end up, of this one thing I can be sure: what God has in store for you is good.

God, thank You for reminding me that You are guiding my steps and if I will only follow You, You will take me to my place of victory, destiny, and Kingdom prosperity. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


God will make things right


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