
Early this morning, while I was in the studio preparing to podcast, I was meditating on the goodness of the Lord and thanking Him for all He brought me through this year. Yesterday, I got a Mammogram, and it was wonderful to receive a good report—something I talked about on my podcast HERE.

God is good.

Well, on Wednesday, as I waited to have my breast screening done at Roswell, which is a cancer hospital in Buffalo, NY, I talked to a friendly stranger who had retired from work a few years ago.

She told me that, before leaving her full-time position as an office executive, her work environment was hostile. She fought battle after battle and was exhausted. Those who opposed her, pushed her out and forced her into retirement.

By the grace of God, she landed on her feet. The woman, a fellow believer in Christ, said God quickly opened up a new position at the church she attended, and it perfectly fit her skillset. Being that she was free from her other role, she was available. She was hired and now loves the positive work environment. With a big smile on her face, she told me, “I now know that being forced to move on was a blessing in disguise. God had a better door waiting for me to walk right through.”

Recently, I was reading Acts 18:4-16. It shows us how Paul was trying to do his Kingdom work in Corinth, but he wasn’t well-received. He spent every Sabbath day in the synagogue. Paul, a Jew and a Pharisee, put forth great effort to help the early church transition from Judaism to Jesus by teaching the gospel. Being an expert in Jewish Law, Paul understood a lot about the Jews’ mindset and did all he could to change it.

But Judaism wasn’t just the religion of the Jewish people, it was their cultural identity, race, and way of life. When Jesus came, died and rose, and made the rituals and ceremonies the Jewish people established under the Old Testament law obsolete, it wasn’t easy for them to make the change.

So, eventually, the opposition of the Jewish church to Paul’s ministry got stronger, and the Jews became abusive to him. The controversy reached fever pitch, and Paul reached his breaking point. He told the resistant crowd in verse 6, “From now on, I’ll go and preach to the Gentiles.”

Just like the woman I met at Roswell, Paul was forced to leave, but in actuality, Paul’s steps were being ordered by the Lord. According to verse 7, Paul left and went to the home of a man named Titius Justus, a Gentile who worshiped God and happened to live right next door to the synagogue!

You’re transitioning out of this trial and heading right into a triumph. God has already swung that new door of breakthrough wide open for you!
— Dianna Hobbs

Paul transitioned out of his place of rejection into a place of acceptance, and he didn’t even have to travel far. All that time, while he was being opposed, attacked, insulted, and pushed away, God had already opened another, better door for Paul. It was just a hop, skip, and a jump away.

God moved him, and for somebody reading, God is moving you too. That doesn’t necessarily mean you’re changing jobs, or houses, or moving out-of-state—although God may physically move you if that is necessary to fulfill His will.

But today, He’s speaking specifically of moving you and ushering you into a new season, and He is replacing opposition with open doors. He’s causing you to be blessed where you were once attacked. He is making what used to be hard easy for you, and He’s swinging doors wide open in your favor. God is doing this because you have a job to do for Him.

I imagine that the road to tangible favor has been paved with many tears, lots of frustration, plenty of rejection, and so much pain. But God sent you here to tell you, your breakthrough is right next door. It’s on the horizon. He’s moving you to a better place. He’s moving you into a season of overflow. He’s moving you to a higher elevation.

When you finally witness the blessings and breakthrough God had in store for you all this time, your heart will be filled with gratitude.

To remind you of that you’re moving, I’m stirring the words God said to the Israelites in Deuteronomy 1:6 ESV into your cup of inspiration, which says, “You have stayed long enough at this mountain.”

As you drink down the contents of your cup, God is telling you, you have stayed long enough. You’ve been at this level long enough. You’ve been in the same predicament long enough, and He’s moving this mountain out of your way. Every obstacle and hindrance has to go.

Before concluding this word and moving into our “Thoughtful Thursdays” intercessory prayer list, I will share one more very significant thing with you.

When Paul began operating his ministry out of the home of Titius Justus, people followed him, including a man named Crispus, who was the leader of the very synagogue that forced Paul out. Because of the anointing and favor on Paul’s ministry, Crispus, who should have been an enemy of Paul, embraced his ministry, abandoned Judaism, and believed in Jesus, along with everyone in Titius Justus’s household. Also, many others in Corinth heard Paul preach, became believers, and were baptized.

This makes me think of Proverbs 16:7 KJV, which says, “When a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.”

In this case, God moved Paul, and He moved his enemies out of the way.

If you need God to show up in your situation and you are believing Him to move you into that new season and move your enemies out of your way, join me in praying for some of the precious individuals that asked to be included on our “Thoughtful Thursdays” intercessory prayer list today.

Anonymous wrote: Healing from cancer

Nadine wrote: Pray for healing & strength for us (her family) as we care for our beloved mother.

Denise wrote: Fighting for my disability. I don’t even know how I’m going to get my bills paid, but I’m trusting God. So much unhappiness.

Kelly wrote: Please pray that I will get a new, good paying job. I am requesting financial breakthrough so I can be debt free and move my family into a good community.

Sandy wrote: Been doing generally well most of the time in my battle against schizoaffective disorder. Missed a week of work this past week due to low motivation, disorganization and anxiety (aka negative symptoms). I need to work 60 hours a week for two years to make up for not paying student loans during the time I was very sick and before being diagnosed. I need to start saving more for retirement.

I know God can handle schizophrenia. I know He is present in every aspect of my struggle. I know He will take care of me. He's kept me from every other form of debt, which would make this situation much worse. He has provided mightily through my mother and my job. I know He can handle $63900 in student loan debt. I know He can take what I've learned in college and turn it into a side business. I'm so grateful for my current job. They've allowed me space to get well. Please pray that I'll be a good worker, that I'll be able to handle 60 hours a week, and that my side business will come into being. ....and for the finances to be a blessing and to fulfill my debt obligations.

Anonymous wrote: For God to give me more love and understanding of my enemies and to see them from his perspective. Deliverance, healing, restoration, justice in every area of my life. For God to solve legal issues, bring justice and DEAL with individuals that are in places of authority who are using their power to commit immoral, unethical and illegal acts. God's help to pass a math course and to complete all of my educational goals. More wisdom and knowledge. Favor in every area of my life. New apartment, home, and car. Spiritual and physical guidance from the Lord. Thank you for your prayers.

Cathy wrote: I’m praying for salvation for my family, that I could intercede for them according to God's ways.

Anonymous wrote: I am asking for God to bless me with work, income and stability in my housing. Please pray that I have success in responding to temptation and tests so I will not lose my blessings because of me retaliating not in love or wisdom. Also, pray that I become debt free. I ask for prayer that God gives me wisdom and guidance in my relationship with my friend and most importantly that I'll be blessed to be a blessing to others. Thank you.

Contrenia wrote: Please agree with me for direction, boldness, strength and the courage to do what God has assigned me to do. I’m currently living in another country being obedient—I moved. Up against some opposition—please pray my strength in the Lord.

I’m believing God for some promises concerning a husband/marriage and business growth and expansion. Please agree with me that my faith fails me not, that God gives me strategy, instructions and that the Holy Spirit reveals what I need, when I need, how I need, and where I need it.

My daughter is angry with me and it has splintered our relationship. I keep reaching out but she’s distant. Please agree with me for healing and wholeness. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Anonymous wrote: My brother and I have been experiencing challenges that have become hard to navigate and overcome. We both work hard trying to pursue our dreams. I bought my first home but it put me in more debt than I had expected. The debt is above my head where cash flow is becoming tight. On top of this I am trying to finish a degree and grow my business. I am looking for a new job to help support myself, it feels every time a possibility of a door opens it gets shut. My brother, he is having a hard time staying encouraged and positive about life. I know God has blessed him with a lot of talents and skills way beyond he can imagine. I pray that despite what obstacles are in his way that he stays positive. Help him to find his purpose. I pray that God helps us walk into our purpose and keeps us encouraged and rooted in him during this tough journey. We need a shift financially and personally.

Now, let’s pray.


God, You sent this word today for a reason. Your servants are crying out for Your help, and Your word promises us in Psalm 34:17 that You hear us when we call to You for help. You rescue us from all our troubles. Please rescue those who have placed confidence in You. Whether they are facing debt, lack, sickness, uncertainty, broken relationships, injustice, or other deeply personal, complex matters, You know and see all. Today, I join my faith with theirs, and together, we believe You to move them and their loved ones out of the distressed state they are in, and usher them, by Your power, into a new season of breakthrough, healing, increase, restoration, renewal, health, joy, peace, and deliverance. We count it done by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.

As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!



28 Days of Gratitude Series: Day 1


God is the best provider!