No podcast today. Here's why.

I woke up yesterday feeling a little under the weather. However, I refused to let it slow me down. I pushed through and went into the studio to record a podcast. Today when I woke up, I felt worse. The soreness in my throat, body aches and stomach discomfort told me unequivocally, no ma’am. There will be no studio for you today.

So, I’m in bed, bundled up in one of my favorite sweaters, typing this. Even though I don’t feel well enough to do everything, instead of letting this frustrating bug get me all the way down, I can still do something.

So I wrote a devotion for you today. You can read it here.

Last year, when I left the hospital after my mini stroke, my doctor explained that I was immunocompromised, meaning I have a reduced ability to fight infections and other diseases. Being mindful of this, I limited my activities and tried to be extra careful for the first few months. But I thought things would resolve, and I would be back to normal in no time.

Nope. I was wrong. Totally wrong.

The issues with my immune system have lasted far longer than expected. The season of frequently getting sick with a common cold or some other yucky virus has not yet passed – even after 14 months! About once per month, like clockwork, I get a reminder that my immune cells suffered damaged just as my brain cells did during my medical emergency, and I get sick. Sometimes, the bug lasts a few days, sometimes a week, and when it’s really bad, two weeks.

When I first started getting sick regularly, I was both aggravated and concerned. Mostly concerned. I thought something was seriously wrong with me. I had to rebuke fear and discouragement. It was difficult.

Despite earnestly praying, believing God, eating healthy, exercising, and taking my vitamins, sickness would slap me down consistently. Still does.

Despite that, I refuse to be worried, anxious and feel sorry for myself. I’ll just keep on praying and believing God for better, stronger, healthier days ahead. Until then, I’ll continue social distancing, being grateful for my good days, praying my way through the bad ones, doing what I can, and not stressing over what I can’t. That’s all I can do, because I don’t have the power to change my circumstances.

But God does.

And He will … in His own time.

When I’m feeling better and stronger again, you bet I’ll be back in the studio sending you the biggest smiles and the warmest greetings ever.

Until then, God is still faithful.


Why haven’t you asked God?


Don’t worry! God is helping you